Plasma Climate Forcing | Tropical Storms

January 16, 2020 by dewhisna

Published on January 14, 2020

This is part 5 of the special series investigating the mechanisms of solar climate forcing. From unaccounted-for atmospheric heating to numerous correlated events to the modern day progress of the field, this is the evidence that the sun modulates the strongest storms on earth.

The Sun, Part 1: /media/media/s0_200102-plasma-climate-forcing

Path to the Atmosphere, Part 2: /media/media/s0_200104-path-to-the-atmosphere

Vortex and Jet Streams, Part 3: /media/media/s0_200106-vortex-and-jet-streams

The Sun and the Oceans, Part 4: /media/media/s0_200109-the-sun-and-the-oceans

Rapid Temperature Forcing, Part 6: /media/media/s0_200120-rapid-temperature-forcing

Plasma Climate Forcing Finale, Part 7: /media/media/s0_200124-plasma-climate-forcing-finale

The full movie can be found at /media/media/s0-190828-climate-forcing-our-future-is-cold.

Watch on YouTube:

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